Tuesday, December 09, 2008


from the mom

Last week Ben began talking about his "cousin."

"You don't have a cousin Ben. But you do have some second cousins."

"No, I have a cousin. He is a nice boy." And then he told me his name (I was sick with the flu and have forgotten the name but we know no one who has that name yet). But he continued for a while, telling me about the many things his "cousin" did.

When recounting it, M and I started thinking about our poor children who have no cousins. M has 10 (right?) and I had four when I entered the world and proceeded to gain one every year for four years and then two more a few years later. When I think of Christmas, I have wonderful memories of cousins playing dress up, sleeping by the Christmas tree, playing games, and forming teams. Cousins are the best.

M's first sibling married in August so we have some hope that our children will have some cousins at some point. But to help matters out, we had this nice photo taken. Look at what a handsome guy is pictured; his niece and nephew love him. He has great husband/father potential. Please copy and pass the photo around as necessary. Ben and Kyri need some cousins.


Queen of Carrots said...

Has he consented to this ad? ;-)

Mark said...

"The maker of this ad in no way implies that the subject pictured endorses the sentiment's expressed or marital status course of action suggested, with the notable exception that he does like to make his nephew happy when reasonably possible."

Suggested wording of disclaimer.

the Joneses said...

Should we start a blog campaign where we all link to this post with the note, "Please read this important message. It could make a difference in a child's life"?

-- SJ

Anonymous said...

Desperate times call for desperate measures

Peter said...

Good idea, Sara. We'll link to it. Mark, you don't want to be like Jeremiah 17:23!

j said...

Why can't you find a nice Jewish girl and settle down, Mark?

Jmaestro said...

This is not exactly the Legal Pad's finest hour. I protest this personal ad on the basis that Mark would reject anyone who answered it for being too forward and not demure enough.

Amy K said...

This is great! We are still waiting for cousins for our kids too ...