Thursday, October 02, 2008

Little Miss Personality

from the mom

We have embarked on the "terrible twos" a little early. And while they are terrible at times, they can be very entertaining too.

Kyri most commonly shows her independence in her wardrobe choices. She will stubbornly insist on wearing a certain thing and will not waiver. Yesterday I found her in her drawer that has clothes she has not yet grown in to. She pulled all the clothes out and settled on a pair of pink overalls. She was already dressed but she proceeded to undress down to nothing and then wanted the overalls. She happily wore her HUGE overalls all day.

Today she insisted on putting on her own pants and then putting her brother's underpants (that she found in the laundry stack) over the top of her pants.

After 4 months of sleeping through the night (finally) she has started to wake up sometime between 1am and 3am and proceed to be awake for around an hour. The only thing I can figure is that she wakes because she is cold and can't get back to sleep. So we are bundling her up and we'll get her a space heater if we have to. After the first couple of nights of changing her, getting her water, and giving her a bite of banana, I have lost all sympathy and started to let her cry. Last night, however, her dad heard her and he spent an hour with her watching golf in the early hours. She clapped and cheered for the golfers. She drank juice and had snacks. Dad quickly became the favorite parent. At 8:10 I heard a little voice calling, "Daddy, daddy, daddy."

When I went to get her I asked, "Do you love Daddy?"

"Yes," she answered.

She insists that she is old enough to do everything her brother does. And she knows exactly what she wants all the time.


Sarah M. said...

That's so funny about the underpants. LOL

Sorry about the late night wakings. Hopefully she'll move past this and realize it's not such fun after all.

Sounds like she's going to be quite the younger sister/sibling for B. :)

Anonymous said...

She will surely keep you on your toes!