Tonight we went out for ice cream with a free coupon. We went to Cold Stone which is expensive, yes, but uses pretty straightforward ingredients. We have to watch because sometimes soy lurks in ice cream.
Ben had banana ice cream. Ten minutes later I was in Costco and M was pumping gas when he started going into anaphylactic shock. M talked to him before he started pumping and he was fine. Before he had finished, he looked over and realized he was having a strong reaction. He flew across the street to Walgreens, left the kids in the car and came back with Benadryl (I had some in my purse in Costco but he didn't know that and finding me would have taken too long anyway).
When I got to the car, M told me Ben was better and Ben told me the same. (We kept making him talk just to be certain.) If that was "better" than it was his worst reaction yet. I took these pictures after we were home and the Benadryl had taken effect. This is the one in which I had asked him to smile.
I double-checked ingredients online certain there had to have been peanuts. No, nothing. But there was annatto extract and my research turned up that it is in a lot of things and gives people a lot of problem including anaphylaxis. We can't be certain but apparently we have one more thing to worry about.
poor little guy!!! i'm so glad he's okay.
=( Poor Ben!
So scary!
My heart just hurts for him. I hope that by the time you read this, he is feeling much better.
Must have been scary for both parents too. Good work M.
Hang in there guys. Much love is being sent your way.
Poor Ben! How scary for you all, but I am so glad he's doing better. I'm sorry that was such a bad experience with Coldstone... normally they are such a fun experience.
People often look at us funny when we obsess about his allergies...
Poor Ben! So glad he has a quick thinking father that doesn't freak out easily.
These pictures have haunted me. No wonder people get so uptight about NO PEANUTS (etc.) AROUND MY ALLERGIC CHILD!
-- SJ
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