Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New and Old Faces

from Ben

I didn't even recognize myself in the previous pictures. No wonder I felt so bad.

Today I started a new science class. I was very excited because Mom told me we would be using binoculars. When I walked in, I saw my old pal Emma from preschool last year. She recognized me immediately and said I could sit by her. I am the only boy in the class and so the teacher let me pal up with him for some science things. We looked through magnifying glasses and did lots of fun things.

Then in the afternoon I visited my preschool. I saw my old friends and visited with my teachers. They wanted to see my Mexico pictures and hear me count in Spanish. They were very happy to hear that I don't wear diapers anymore. I was able to stay and have recess with my friends and I lined up with them for old times. I suggested to Mom that I might go back tomorrow but she said those days are gone. And that's ok. I get to see Emma (she was my favorite anyway) at mad science preschool next week.


Anonymous said...

Ben, I am very glad that you are so excited about your science class.
No diapers? I must have missed a blog. Congratulations Ben. Good job.

Stitched With Grace said...

I am so glad to hear that Ben is enjoying his science class and is able to adjust away from preschool.

I agree with Judy too- did I miss a blog about no more diapers???
