Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Weekend

from the mom

I made a huge to-do list for the long weekend. Apparently it was overwhelming enough just thinking about it that I crashed and accomplished very little. I do that to myself from time to time. Forget that I'm human and a low-energy one at that and set myself up to crash. Fortunately M is patient and understanding and knows this about me. He sent me to bed for two naps Saturday, and one Sunday. By Monday, I was a little perkier.

We had a BBQ on Monday with friends. I usually like to make things but somehow I ended up with condiment responsibilities. It was great. I sat around and let M grill me a veggie burger.

Our children continue to have sleep issues. I sent M down to the guest bed in the middle of the night so he could get some sleep. We won't be able to do that soon. We have an intern coming to board with us for 8 weeks. I'm hoping they both settle down a bit (or we figure out how to cope better) in the next couple of weeks.

I started a little bit of a job last week. I am acting as a travel coordinator (from home) for a small non-profit. I love the travel industry and already work on finding great deals for friends and family. I can't believe I'm getting paid to do it now.

After school today, we went to the park. It is our first 80 degree day all year and we all needed some sun. Ben encountered a nasty little boy on the playground. He really hasn't been around mean kids and this little guy kept knocking him down. I was mad but wanted to see what he would do. He threw wood chips at him and so I intervened, explaining that just because someone is mean to you, you shouldn't act the same way. And then we found a new place to play. He was so puzzled; his face showed complete disbelief that someone would treat him that way. Welcome to life buddy.

1 comment:

the Joneses said...

It's hard to watch a kid be mean to your own, and not hate that child irrationally. Glad you let Ben handle it himself, and then corrected the way he did it: there are lots of mothers who would have thrown the wood chips for him.

-- SJ