Thursday, May 10, 2007

Parents Seek Advice

from the mom

We've been trying to transition Kyri to her crib for weeks now. She now actually prefers the crib and would like to sleep there. But sleeping in it involves sharing a room with her brother. And they like to wake each other up. Kyri sleeps pretty well, but sometimes it takes her some time to settle down at the beginning of the night. This involves some fussing. Ben typically goes down before she does and so we try to get her to sleep in our room and then move her. But she would prefer her bed.

Then Ben, our Type A stress case does things like count in the middle of the night, or rock back and forth or groan. This will often wake Kyri up, particularly if she has just dropped off to sleep. On their own, they both sleep pretty well.

Any advice for a tired mother?


the Joneses said...

I don't know if it will work for you, but do you have any white-noise generators (fan, humidifier, CD player) that would drown out small noises? That's helped our kids.

Also, is there any small corner not in the bedroom where you could put Ben down to bed, and then move him back into his bed once Kyri has gone down? That's often what we do with Addie and Daphne.

What about hanging a thick blanket so as to separate the bedroom into two parts?

Just some random ideas.

Queen of Carrots said...

This is one of the reasons we kept D2 in a folding playpen in our closet until he was 15 months old (that, and it took him that long to sleep through the night). Since then, they've worked together pretty well for nighttime sleep, although as D1's naps have gotten shorter I've had to move her out during the day. I'm afraid that's not very helpful, unless you have a reasonably-sized closet.