But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed.-Isaiah 53:5
It has been a season of grace, this Lent, for me. I started out with a lot of good intentions and vowed to do all kinds of things like pray more, serve others more, and exercise my spiritual and physical muscles more. And then there was the giving up of some earthly pleasures. Like coffee. And then on Fat Tuesday (the day before Lent begins) I discovered that there was a new little life within me. So I gave up the coffee and soon, I had given up most of the foods I like because I no longer could find anything that tasted good. And somehow in the midst of adjusting to life in the first trimester, most of my commitments went by the wayside.
Somewhere in the midst of it, while I was in bed one afternoon thinking about my dusty house and how the bathroom needed cleaning and my son needed more attention and what a failure I was as a homemaker and mother, I realized something. I was a work of grace. Growing within me was a little life, a miracle, and though there are good things I can do for that life, one of the best things I can do is get the rest I need and take care of my body so that life can grow unhindered. And that as I sleep that life keeps growing.
How like God! When I want to focus on my works, He shows me His grace. He is doing the work, and I am resting.
I look forward one day to observing Lent fully. Years from now, I might even be able to fast again, once the childbearing, nursing years are over. But for today, my work is rest. And to worship. And to remember, that this day, above all days is truly "Good." For despite suffering and pain, the price for my life, and yours was paid in full. And that is GOOD NEWS.
My Uncle used to say "Thank the Lord for the Lord!" and that's what this post made me think of. In the season where we choose to give something up for Him, He is consistently giving back to us.
Lindsay, I had forgotten that saying. Thanks for the reminder.
Good post, Rachelle. I think Isaiah 53 has to be one of the best chapters in the whole Bible.
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