Mom and I had a very busy week. And it left little time for blogging since Mom has vowed only to blog after she's caught up on housework (within reason) and I have vowed to only blog when I'm caught up on playing. I'm doing pretty good; Mom may never blog again.
I went some new places that I recommend for kids. I went to Megan's birthday party (she's 4 now) at Chuck E. Cheese. Wow! That was FUN. Dad says it will get better when I'm not afraid of the machines that move and when I'm willing to go down the slides. But all those kids and all that music. Some have asked what I could eat there? Eat?!? Who has time to eat? Mom tried to have me eat food she brought but I was too busy.
Sunday, I played with Jeremy and Evan while we cheered for the Seahawks. I am very good at saying, "Go, go, go!" now. Jeremy and I destroyed his room in about two minutes and then our moms made us pick everything up later before I could leave. It was worth it.
Monday, I went and played with Christopher while Mom went to Seattle to see Baby Addie. She could only see her from across the room but I can't see her at all. She said that Children's Hospitals look like a lot of fun. Too bad you have to be real sick to go there. Christopher and I played a drum duet and then I taught him how to throw rocks. (His mom said she didn't appreciate my lesson.)
Tuesday, I went to the Children's Museum here in our town. I had no idea we had anything so cool. I kept trying to leave when we first arrived and Mom kept explaining that it was a fun place. The lady asked if we were there for "homeschool Tuesday." Mom pointed out me and asked if that was ok. Basically she wanted to only pay half price and since she didn't have to sign anything promising to homeschool me, she did it. (I have a feeling though that Mom won't be able to part with me, so I'll have to be homeschooled.) I played with huge rocks, with a big bathtub thing with boats and balls and ducks, and I played with some eggs that went in the chicken coop. Mom was there to talk to people she doesn't see often and she says I was a handful. I like to throw A LOT and Mom says it isn't socially acceptable to throw everything all the time.
Yesterday, I went to the library and played with the kid toys. Dad says most people go for the books; I go for the toys. But I like the books too.
Today I went out and splashed in my boots. I discovered that I could see myself in the puddles and that was cool. I laughed and showed Mom. Mom said that when the sun shines, you can see your reflection. We wish the sun would shine more often.
I'm so glad that you got caught up with your playing for a little bit and took time to blog. I miss hearing about your life. But not as much as I miss just having you near.
Isn't it amazing how your views change once you have a baby of your own? I mean, one minute you're part of a college administration wondering if homeschoolers will ever "get it" and the next you're scheduling "field trips" for your 2 year old. :-) Funny how it works out that way. But like MPF says, homeschool kids do as well as they do [i.e. are successful] because of their mothers. Amen!!! Preach it, Mike.
Keep up the good work, Rachelle. :-)
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