Saturday, January 28, 2006

"...and Touched the Face of God"

from Ben's mom

I remember vividly the Challenger explosion twenty years ago. I wonder today why this incident touched us so deeply and the similar space tragedy three years ago (when the Columbia disintegrated killing aboard) went past with little national notice. Perhaps we were more connected. In 1986, most of the country still just had 3 major channels on their televisions. But, at least at our house, another shuttle launch was ho-hum. We didn't even rise to watch it; but after we heard the news, we did watch TV all day long and just like my vivid images of the Twin Towers collapsing, I can still picture that explosion that we watched over and over again.

I memorized the names of the seven astronauts who died. I knew which had young children; I watched the national service where Ronald Reagan gave one of his most memorable speeches. I cut out a copy of "High Flight" the poem Reagan immortalized, a poem which already had its own tragic history. I don't remember any of the names of the astronauts who died in the Columbia disaster; I don't remember any service. Did we all just get too busy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The commander of the space shuttle Columbia was Rick Husband. He was a born-again Christian, loving husband and amazing father. I read his bio written by his wife and I cried. What a testimony his life was, not just after he died, but while he was alive. It's a great read, not too long. I highly recommend it! It's called, "High Calling" by Evelyn Husband.

Yes, there was a ceremony and the story about GW and Rick’s son is precious.