Wednesday, July 20, 2005

To Link or Not to Link?

from Ben's mom

Lately I've run into a dilemma: Should we link to blogs of friends, some of whom got off to a strong start and then have failed to post in months? I think Amy (the most reliable blogger on my links) has run into the same dilemma: You may be family but you aren't keeping up your end of the blogosphere.

Some bloggers have such great posts that their quarterly ramblings are worth maintaining a connection with; others, well, have a baby or move to Israel and then you will always have good fodder! But please post SOMETHING!

You see, some of us, are stay-at-home moms. We used to work in places where we would have good debates over the "d's" (dating, dancing, drinking, etc...) and politics and theology. Now we change diapers, read Dr. Seuss, and look at the kitchen floor with guilt: I should really clean it. And we find ourselves suddenly messaging our husband in the middle of the day to give him our latest theory on the Plame leak. Or we start to question if Katie Holmes really does "love" Tom Cruise? (And even considering that possibility is evidence of a weakening intellect.)

So I'm a bit hesitant these days to link to anyone's blog. I've decided on the trial period route. Let's see how the blog is doing in a few months. Then, maybe.

But all this to introduce an exception. I've long thought that this brand-new blogger (joined by his spouse) should be public. He is a fascinating writer, as evidenced by received greeting cards, emails, and a published play. He is also interesting: immigration attorney meets community theatre actor. And his wife adds her own panache. And now they have what amounts to South Texas meets Manhattan! So be sure to check out: Miniscule Exaggerations--a very Humble blog.

And the rest of you, please start posting.


Brooks Lampe said...

I totally understand where you're coming from. I just reviewed the blogs on my sidebar and cut out a few and added a few--if you don't post you don't get my recommendation. I guess that philosophy is both cruel and an admission of the effeminacy of blogging.

But the motive behind it is the same as the one that fights against the "weakening intellect" that doesn't want to debate pipes and celebrity marriages (when this is a step down from theology).

Janice Phillips said...

Could you link to yourself? You have a great blog, RLR, and it's great to hear your candid thoughts and perspectives about life. I've silently enjoyed it from the wings long enough to get inspired. We'll see how it goes!

Anne said...

I totally agree about needing intellectual stimulation! As much as I LOVE being a stay-at-home mom, I miss chatting with co-workers in the hall and having lunch with friends every day. Erin is a great baby but she hasn't developed any opinions about the nuclear option or the newest supreme court nominee :-)
