Friday, January 01, 2016

Out with Old! Ring in the New!

My cynical self wonders why I bother with making new resolutions and marking a new calendar year with a new set of unachievable goals. However, as I mark up my 2016 calendar and look to the coming year, I realize that, in fact, I did made progress toward many of my goals.  And instead of focusing on how much further I have to go, perhaps it is time to focus on the forward progress.

In 2015, I experienced a new sensation: the need to settle. I've always felt partly-gypsy, having no desire to make any one place "home. " This year, I felt an urgency about buying and making a home that startled me. But we did it and thru the Advent season we moved out of the lovely home we rented and into one we own (well, we co-own with Wells Fargo). As Christmas arrived, it quickly became "home" and while there are still boxes to unpack and pictures to be hung, I am happy with our progress.

I made some good decisions about my priorities, time, and limitations. I made a decision to recognize the value of what I do as a wife, mother, travel coordinator and writer and apportion my time and energies with a new focus on being realistic. So far. So good. Now as we move into the coming year, I need to keep my eyes on the ball.

I made progress in my ongoing attempts to communicate with God. Or rather, shut up and listen long enough so He can communicate with me. I have progressed using a prayer app, and this 3-minute retreat site that reminds me to be quiet. Take deep breaths. Listen.

I taught the kids new chores, introducing the youngest to the reality that "she who eats must work!" (She was tough...but dutifully empties the trash, makes her bed, and is learning to pick up the clothes on her floor.) This year we are introducing the Chore Monster app into our routine in our ongoing efforts to raise future adults, not entitled lazy bums. 

I realized with new fervency just how blessed I am to have great friends. I talked and listened with friends who struggle with unrealistic expectations for themselves, have faced some big parenting challenges, who want to pray more. They fueled me with a new kind of passion to be better instead of just doing more.  My husband, the executive manager shared great books and insights on having difficult conversations, setting and meeting goals, and doing vs. talking about doing. He gave me permission to collapse when I needed to, and made my need for a home a reality. He also provided me with frequent flier miles, making possible a real family vacation.

If I had to reflect on what I learned this last year that will power me into 2016 it is this: Focus on your strengths. Use the strengths to work on the weaknesses. Don't ignore your failures but don't make them your focus. Which is why we are not talking about weight loss and exercise this post. But maybe next year.

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