Thursday, January 08, 2009

Bobby Bobby....

We have many adventures to write about but the laundry needs done, the bills need paid, and there is no food in the house. So suffice it to say that we took a trip to the East for a family reunion.

We left New Year's Day and flew to Washington DC, rented a car, stopped for a New Year's dinner with good friends (we'll get back to them), and then drove to West Virginia. All in all, not bad for 15 1/2 hours.

We had imagined the children would sleep for most of the 3 1/2 hour leg between dinner and arrival at their grandparents' house. This was not the case. They were wide awake and one of them complained most of the trip. After several hours of hearing her tell us she was "all done" with the car, Mike started flipping through radio stations to placate her. And the dance station turned tears into smiles and fussing into dancing.

Now the song "Barbie, Barbie Let's Go Party" by the British group Aqua (a song I would not recommend you let your children listen to) was playing. I was ready to change the station when I saw the happiness in the rear of the car, and decided it would be ok. This once. As the song ended, Ben yelled from the back. "Go back Dad, play it again." Mike explained it was the radio; he couldn't "go back." And Ben said, "But Dad, we want to hear 'Bobby Bobby, let's go potty.'" And every now and then, we hear two little voices singing "Bobby, Bobby, let's go potty."


Missi said...

haha! That is a great story!

Sarah M. said...

I'm laughing so hard, even though this is the third time I've heard the story. Cracks me up every time. :)

Dana said...

I'm sorry we switched coasts with you; we were with other people on the way back and forth to Seattle and couldn't stop... but anyway that is completely hilarious. :-)

Anna said...

Oh my goodness, that is the funniest thing ever!