Wednesday, September 03, 2008

My Little Political Junkies

from the mom

Last night we caught a little of the RNC Convention coverage. Kyri was especially hyped up about Lieberman's speech with lots of enthusiastic clapping on her part. It was amusing.

Meanwhile, Ben wanted to discuss Ronald Reagan when he found the book I'm reading about him on my nightstand. He noted his "happy smile" and I told him Ronald Reagan was a great man. It is now a name he is familiar with and I'm well on my way to convincing him that Reagan belongs in the same camp as Washington and Lincoln. Fortunately, some of Ben's Obama fever has worn off. It seems this follows a national trend. May it last until November 5.


Anonymous said...

My father always told me that all great men were born in February and that includes President Reagan, as well as the others. And, of course, it includes my father!


Anna said...

I've been trying to teach Joe who John McCain is. I think he recognizes him when he's on TV. And this was before I learned from Billy that only 1 student in his class of new 4th graders could name the President. (None knew the correct governnor of Texas, either, but 3 thought it was Barack Obama. Yikes.)