Monday, September 01, 2008

The Homeschooling Mom

from the mom

Friday I withdrew Ben from preschool. It is a decision we have been contemplating since the end of last school year but it was difficult none-the-less.

Ben has received a huge benefit from his time in preschool but the reasons to not have him there were growing. His health is a continual concern and he missed 50% of last year due to illness. A little less exposure to viruses may help him get stronger this year and be able to combat illness better in the future.

Cognitively, he was far and away beyond his classmates. He is reading at a 1st grade level and starting to recognize simple math concepts. He was also increasingly aware of other children and he was starting to be more and more bothered by the other kids who had "bad days." It was a special needs preschool and while Ben was there for a speech delay, about half of the kids were there for emotional issues.

Lastly, the speech delay has resolved and Ben has met all his speech goals (from the speech therapist at school) given to him in May. He did it over the summer without any therapy and without any concentrated effort on our part. He is now making all his sounds, his vocabulary is expanding rapidly, and he talks non-stop.

At 4, Ben is testing his independence from me and has been a real handful. I loved the break from him last year and I will miss it this year. Because of this and also because he needs to strengthen his social muscles, we are going to enroll him in a once a week science course through the parks district. He'll also be taking a course that will expose him to a new sport every week. We're also exploring either MOPS or a local homeschooling group to give us one more outlet. I'm a homebody and hate, hate, hate being too committed, but I also know he will be happier to be home with me if he has a few outlets during the week.

And so that's it. I'm now an official homeschooling mom. I don't like the thought, probably because it comes with images of long denim jumpers, and rolling suitcases full of books, and a woman encased in a permanent baby sling who hasn't brushed her hair in a few days. And you would think that the fact that I know a lot of homeschooling moms personally (including a former one, my mom) and that they don't fit this image would help. But it is still a journey I would rather not take. But for one factor: my children. They are most important and for now at least, this is the best thing for my son. So here I go, ready or not.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the perfect decision. Good luck! Sounds like a lot of your friends are homeschooling moms anyways, so you'll get a lot of support from them and from your random blog-readers.

From one non-jumper-wearing homeschool mom to another, blessings! :-)

J said...

Maybe you should start a homeschooling support group for those depressed by denim jumpers.

You could call it BADJ - Ban All Denim Jumpers. (Sorry I can't come up with a better acronym - trying to figure something with a "DJ" in it is tough!)

The meetings could be run in AA style - "Hi, my name is Jane. I've worn denim jumpers."

You could discuss different styles that can be tossed on quickly and still look chique!

Have accountability programs where you call each other and ask - "Are you wearing a denim jumper?"

Have a dress code for the meetings that is non-denim jumper!

Have a fishnet and miniskirt night!

J said...

Hmmm, maybe the fishnet and miniskirt night might be a bit much, but I'll bet it would get a lot of husbands to encourage their wives to join!

Stitched With Grace said...

What's wrong with denim jumpers? I have one in my closet!!
(But I didn't have it when I was homeschooling.)


You will do just great. And the kids will have a much better education.


Ranee @ Arabian Knits said...

As a non-denim jumper wearing homeschooler, I can tell you that the fastest way we could end our family growth would be for me to start wearing them. Rich dragged me to the store to get shorts, so he could see my legs better.

You can do it! If I can do it, so can you. And you are much more patient and nicer to your children than I am.

Anonymous said...

I know that this was a hard decision and I am behind you
100%. Just keep up the activities that let him learn more about inter-acting with other kids.
PS I found my old denim jumper in
the back of the closet and it went
out the door quickly! I must have looked like a sack in it.

Amy K said...

You and me both babe! We're not formally homeschooling yet but I know we will and most days I feel soooo reluctant about it. I envy all my girlfriends who get "time off" putting their kids in preschool a few days a week. I know it will be a lot of work and I am overwhelmed and wish I could take an easier way out. I also dread feeling like an "outsider" to numerous friends who don't homeschool.

But I also know it's going to be the best thing for my kids--at least for right now. I think you are wise to consider the outlets you mentioned--a homeschool group, MOPS, etc., though, because it's so important and I think you will enjoy it. MOPS rocks. :)

You're in my thoughts and prayers!