Tuesday, September 09, 2008

At the Midnight Hour

from the mom

Yesterday was one of those days. The "Why did God see fit to make me a mother days?"

I crashed into bed early which was good because at 12:30am Kyri woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. After a lot of crying and not wanting her to wake Mike who had to leave for the airport at 5:15am, I got her out of bed and she wanted to play. Yes, play. And so she played and read books and tried on pairs of shoes until about 1:45am when she came to get me because she wanted to move her party downstairs and it was dark and scary down there. After threats to scream until everyone woke up I relented. She ate a banana. She played with the magnets on the refrigerator. I laid down on the couch. After 15 minutes I told her I was too tired for this and I went back upstairs. She came up a little while later and laid down on our bedroom floor. I took her to bed about 2:15 and she slept until 8am.

At some point in the middle of the night, I asked God why he didn't give me her when I was a little younger. Then I could have had a few more babies and she could take care of them in the middle of the night when she likes to be up anyway.

M is working in Phoenix today and won't be home until close to midnight. The happy thing is that he can come home in the same day. The sad thing is that I'm carless.

I've taken on one too many things in life lately. I'm a Martha and I tend to try to get it all done and not get the spiritual respite I need. I realized I was crashing and burning yesterday and needed to give up some of my church responsibilities. The problem is there isn't really anyone to give them up to. So I'm just ignoring them. And asking God to deal with the problem. Because I need to be nicer to my children.


Darren said...


I could have written that post myself about 2 months ago.

I'm very sorry, and I'll be praying for you and for sleep for Kyri.

the Joneses said...

Yes, Daph pulls that trick occasionally... usually when we're thinking that she's finally settling into a routine of SLEEPING AT NIGHT IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?! (And then I had a friend tell me, "Well, you just have to teach her to sleep!" I explained that we've been through several very loud, long, and late "teaching" sessions.)

As for being nice to your kids, I hope you can find balance soon. And at least kids are very forgiving.

-- SJ

Stitched With Grace said...

"Dear God,

I pray that you will give Rachelle peace. I pray that Kyri will learn to sleep at night. I pray for traveling mercies for Mike. Amen."
