Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Speech Update

from the mom

We met with Ben's speech therapist at school today. He started preschool one year ago this month. She confirmed what we intuitively knew; he has met all his goals. The boy who was saying perhaps a dozen words a year ago is speaking in full-length sentences today.

We have new goals because he still has some things to work on. I asked if she felt we should do private therapy through the summer or if he was close enough to normal. She said she thought we could work with him instead. He still mimics instead of answering questions and he is behind on spatial concepts--above, below, opposite, etc.... We are also working on increasing the length of his sentences.

Meanwhile he has moved on to Spanish. "Ben, please take this to the table." "It's 'la mesa' Mommy, not table." Since he spells a lot too, we're running out of ways to discuss things we don't want him to know about in front of him. Spanish and spelling are both out. Perhaps M and I need to take a foreign language class: Sprechen sie deutsch?


Darren said...

That is absolutely the happiest post I've read today! Way to go, Ben!!

Ja, Deutsch es gut.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ben!!! You have worked hard and we are all very
proud of you!

the Joneses said...

So, so glad to hear of his progress! Since I'm a terrible out-loud speller, and since neither of us speaks Spanish, Darren and I have always used the Elaborately Worded Code: ice cream was "frozen milk product" and "the mall" was "the enclosed indoor shopping area with amusements." It doesn't work as well now, but our kids have great vocabularies. :)

-- SJ