Ben rode the bus to a care center this morning with his preschool class. I would have liked to go along but I didn't find out in time to get my background check completed in time.
I'm grateful for this opportunity and for his teacher's recognition about what constitutes "Christmas." His class (at a public school) is enthusiastically celebrating "Christmas" and I have never heard "the holidays" mentioned.
As a child my grandparents took us (my cousins and me) to the nursing home at least twice on Christmas Eve. We would hand out Christmas cards and sing carols. I remember this with fondness. Even as a little girl, I knew that this was perhaps a more meaningful expression of the gift of God's incarnation than presents and a tree.
Ben is enjoying his sticker Advent calendar (a nativity) that gives us time each night to talk about Christmas. When he first met Santa Claus he exclaimed "Jesus!" This has been a delightful year watching him begin to grasp something of the nature of this important celebration.
Kyri too is celebrating. She is attempting to take all the ornaments off the tree.
1 comment: your son can ride the bus but you have to have a background check to ride WITH your son... Um... (sigh)
Kyri looks adorable in that picture.
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