Starbucks broke out the red cups yesterday which here in the NW means Christmas is around the corner. (Or "the holidays" which is the the generic blanket pc-term preferred in our region.) Oh and Dad, I didn't go there to find out. I heard it on the radio.
I'm hosting Thanksgiving. I hope to have the house up to sanitary safety standards by then but everyone has been warned that I have two children who like to pull everything out as soon as I put it away.
We were a vegetarian family. Then we started marrying Gentiles who like meat. My cousin informed me that she actually cooked her husband a small turkey last year. "They make small turkeys? I've never heard of such a thing!" She tells me she has a thermometer somewhere if I decide to give cooking a turkey a go. So help friends. Give me advice. There are 5-6 people saying they would eat it if I made it. My friend Amy did it. And she used to declare she "didn't cook." I'm terrified but I have a feeling if I cook a turkey my husband will fall down and worship me and probably clean all the toilets. So it may be worth it.
Hmmm, I had no idea cooking a turkey was considered such an ordeal! We roast a chicken in the oven practically every Sunday, so I'm used to the whole idea of cooking a bird. We usually eat turkey only around Thanksgiving (when they go on sale), and I've always followed the directions on the packaging, recommending so many minutes per pound and such. Not very scientific, but it always tastes good. Oh, and Michael loves the stuffing actually stuffed into the bird, which sounds strange but actually works quite well.
Hold out for a full-blown beef roast before attempting the toilets. Turkeys are worth, at most, cleaning the sink.
Worshiping your wife, on the other hand, is a requirement of being married to her. http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bcp/1662/marriage.pdf
Happy Thanksgiving :)
Note from one "non-cook":you could just do a turkey breast, stuffing cooked in oven or stove top so you could eat it. Less stress for your first time. Then try the real deal when you aren't having company. Good luck either way.
You know what you could do? You could just do a couple turkey breasts. Or maybe a chicken? Chicken tastes better anyway, I think.
Yes, when I got married I didn't cook anything more than tacos and pancakes. Glad I quickly got on board. Kevin's glad too. :)
Hey--I just tagged you in a "meme." I don't usually do these and hope that you're okay with it! :)
Away from us you commenters who advise against turkey!
You can do it! They do sell small turkeys and smaller usually mean cheaper. :) I definitely say to follow Alton Brown's method of brine before cooking.
You can do it, Rachelle. You may have to wear rubber gloves to prep it (a whole turkey has some parts that most of us who didn't grow up on a farm don't enjoy reckoning with), but you can do it. If worse comes to worse, we can save Mike a small plate like we have in years past. :)
Sorry M !!!! I didn't realize just how much you wanted turkey.
R: roasting a turkey isn't that hard. You can do it.
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