Thus ends a week of teamwork on buying a vehicle. I did online research on small SUVs and then M joined in as we looked in the evening. We quickly narrowed it to two and then the Negotiator went in and did his thing today. He reminds me that this is the third car we've bought together. The first was when I moved to Virginia and we were "just friends." He came along to help and bought my lunch, and the day ended with us both starting down the path that has led to two kids, sleep deprivation, and an auto loan. Oh, and love.
Ben has forgiven us for not getting the red one, his choice. He is very excited to go to school in the yellow car (a Ford Escape) tomorrow. But more excited to play "fall down" (Halo) with Grandpa on Thursday.
I just bought a car too. And last night I was playing Fall Down with Uncle Mark. I believe that name is very appropriate because that's mostly what he did =)
Actually Sean, one of my greatest fears is that my son will one day be as good as you are at XBox. :)
hurray for new cars!
I sure looks good!
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