from the mom (duh)
Kyri called "911" last night. Actually she called "9116." She did it on speaker phone and I saw the number as her father clicked the phone off. I told him to be expecting a call and a couple milliseconds later, it came. The operator believed us and no police came.
M is away on business. Of course, Ben took this time to decide to wear "big boy underwear." Absolutely no previous interest and tonight, at bedtime, he doesn't want a diaper. I'm thrilled. And tired. And we've already gone through one pair and now he's on my bed. So I'm a little scared too. We'll see how this goes. Right now I'm trying not to bust up at the examination of said underwear. He thinks the hole is pretty cool.
Ben has been very tired for many days. I've heard a lot of "I'm tired." Last night, he put himself to bed at 6:45. He told me he wanted to go to bed and I was in the midst of dinner clean-up. I told him to go upstairs and I would be up to put his jammies on. I came up 10 minutes later and he was asleep on my bed. Being a little neurotic I started wondering which terminal illness he had. However, sometime this morning he revived. And hasn't quit moving. We went to the library where he operated a computer at the skill level I managed to achieve by 25. He wanted to call a friend so I let him and then we delivered cupcakes. (And said friend generously offered to keep him and his sister while I ran to the store.) After dinner, he declared he wanted "a warm bath." Now I am about to collapse and he is reading. Bless his heart.
Over the weekend an old friend came to visit. She thinks that three is not a good number of kids. She is worried about middle-child syndrome. I tried to argue but I don't know many middle kids (of three). Anyone want to tell me if I'll warp Kyri permanently if we make her the MIDDLE CHILD?
I am too tired for another one. But I take hope that Kyri is TYPE A and thrives on little sleep. By 3, she should be able to get up in the night with her young sibling, replace the pacifier, play with blocks, right? SHE OWES ME. And Ben is Mr. Helpful. He is responsible for diaper-disposal and tonight I turned around from putting Kyri in her highchair to find her food and spoon already on the table. He likes to tell me what she wants/needs, though she is quite capable of making her wishes known on her own. Indecisive she is not. Together I'm certain they'll make quite a team, making no. 3 a relative breeze. (I haven't had REM sleep in awhile but if I'm delusional, please don't burst my bubble.)
Did I miss something?? Is Kyri about to be the middle child - or was that just hypothetical? Even if she is, she'll turn out okay. Will is the middle child and I think that he's the most adjusted of the three kids in his family.
Um...yeah. Did I miss a really big something??? Or is this your subtle way of announcing it?
My deeply embedded Institute programming wants to insist that Children Are A Blessing, and encourage you to have as many as the Lord sends you. My cynical side remembers that not everything is as tidy as the pre-packaged philosophies made it out to be.
I’m confident that if you have a third child, you will never regret it, nor will Ben and Kyri, I'm sure. But I can very much identify with the not-quite-sure, not-quite-ready feeling. Personally, I think that another baby would be nice...maybe. But maternity clothes again?? Oh my stars.
Stuart seems to be doing just fine as the middle child. I wouldn't worry about it; my brother Evan is the middle, and he turned out as a wonderful man.
Those cupcakes were great, btw!
And I know plenty of middle children who are fantastic. Like Rose said, I doubt you would regret having a third, and neither would your family. Kyrie strikes me as the perfect personality to be a middle--strong-willed, independent, and unique.
I know lots of well-adjusted middle children. The fact that you already have one boy and one girl will only add to their ability to be balanced in life.
I'm the middle child of three... though it was girl, girl and then boy. There's nothing wrong with being the middle of three... At least I believe I turned out just fine. In fact, I think I had the BEST spot in the family. At times my older sister and I were very good friends, and when we weren't, I was busy playing with my younger brother. As far as being the second girl, I could watch my older sister make mistakes (and then avoid them). It was great. :)
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