Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What We're Doing

from the mom


Two days ago Ben agreed to sit (bare-bottomed) on his potty chair. He took a look at the big potty and decided against it and went for the little one. That was the extent of it, but considering he's cried at the sight of the potty for over a year, it is a step in the right direction.

He brought me to the refrigerator yesterday to show me "KYRI" which he had spelled out. He spells "BEN" and his last name constantly. He then asked me to help him with "Grandpa." This presented a problem. We only have one of each letter. So it looked like "GRANDP" which he has proceeded to spell several times.

Last night he did a lot of coughing. He has been a little rundown since his allergic reaction over the weekend so I kept him home from school today. I told him about it but about 11AM he proceeded to go downstairs to the garage and put on his shoes. (Putting on his shoes is a major accomplishment itself.) I told him we weren't going out until later and he gave me a string of "Byerly and Miss Sherrie" --his teachers names. Then he put his boots on instead, hoping I would get with the program and take him seriously. We had a period of tears when I didn't. He only has four days left before summer and I can see that it will be missed.


Her favorite thing is still a good bath, during which she soaks everything in a 2-foot radius. She isn't crawling but she flops onto her belly when she wants to reach something and if necessary will then flop onto her back.

She talks loudly and "dad-dad" is her most common sound. Last night she was laying on her back examining her feet and talking loudly at 11PM. We had tried in vain to get her to sleep for over an hour before M finally walked her around until she dropped off. Napping has been equally difficult this week.

If I leave her for a little while she is typically fine until I return. Then she looks straight at me, puckers her lips, and bursts into tears. "How dare you leave me Mommy?" is clearly communicated. However, she lavishes me with hugs and kisses, grabbing my face and slobbering and then burrowing her head into my chest. Both of my children are affectionate and for that I'm very grateful.

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