Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Nap Time Strategy

from the mom

The last couple of weeks have been somewhat challenging at naptime. Ben decided that he didn't need to nap anymore. And while his need has certainly diminished, mine has not. So we did battle. It got pretty ugly. Ben would sneak out of his bed; typically I would hear his door shut. He would do this hoping I wouldn't know he was up playing. At first I would ignore this. I needed rest first and foremost and as long as he was quietly playing, I could get caught up on things or rest as needed. But he was deceiving me. And eventually, it would all come to a head and he would be an unbearable pain until bed time. So we battled.

After a week of war, I decided creativity was needed. So I set the kitchen timer for 90 minutes and put it on his dresser and told him he could get up when it went off. But not before. And we would have to reset it if he got up early. He tested that once and then settled in to enjoying this routine. It typically takes him 20-35 minutes to fall asleep and I go in and turn it off so that it doesn't go off.

Today, I told him it was nap time and he trudged up the stairs. I followed and put Kyri in our room to come and tuck him in. There he was setting his own timer. For 90 minutes. I am not sure why I'm surprised. We know he recognizes numbers. (He dials my mom's speed dial no., 117, whenever he wants to call her.) But because he is non-verbal, I'm always a little awed at these moments.

But mostly I'm happy the battle over naptime seems to be over. For now.


the Joneses said...

We live by timers in this house! My kids haven't napped since age two, but they learned to stay in their rooms as long as the timer was going. Now we can say, "It's time for Quiet Play. Please set the timer," and off they go. You're definitely onto a good thing!

And good for you to do battle for Ben's heart instead of letting convenience win the day.

-- SJ

Amy K said...

I've also heard that when kids are ready to give up their naps, don't let them--make it into "quiet time." Like you say, Rachelle, naps are more for moms than kids! The timer idea is great; I'll have to keep that in mind. :)

Anne said...

wow, i feel a little better now... Erin has been trying to "give up" nap for a few months now (she JUST turned 2) and i was at a loss about what to do. its not so bad while she's still in her crib, but that'll end soon - i'll definitely be trying your timer idea!!

Anonymous said...

I am confused! Who is deceiving whom?
Dad B