Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I Don't Get No Respect

from Ben's mom

Yesterday I told Ben we needed to pick up all the toys in his room so I could vacuum it. We usually pick them up at least every other day but he had literally found every single toy and book in his room and pulled it out into the middle of the floor. So it was bad.

Apparently Ben thought I had gotten a little overconfident in my parenting abilities and needed a lesson. He decided to refuse. I asked him to pick up his gears and I proceeded to do everything else. (Now, normally Ben is a good little helper!) So the afternoon proceeded with Ben spending 20-30 minutes in his bed and then "trying again." One toy went in the bucket in 4 1/2 hours and I was exhausted of the whole thing.

Enter Daddy. I explained why Ben was in his bed at 5:30 and how my afternoon had gone. He walked upstairs and 10 minutes later he reappeared holding my son. "Did he pick them up?" I asked incredulously. "Every one as soon as I got him out of bed." UGH! I don't get no respect.


Queen of Carrots said...

I know the feeling! (Though my kids don't have quite that stamina--yet.) DOB and I can do the same thing and he gets instant results while the kids keep pushing me. Maybe it's something to do with Mom always being around. Or maybe we just married men with forceful, commanding personalities.

the Joneses said...

Sara claims it's the lower-register voice.

I'm not sure how much the "forceful commanding personality" has to do with it. In our house, Dad's discipline was always more effective, and he's just about the most laidback and introverted person I know.


Janice Phillips said...

Way to stick to your guns, R. You might not be getting much respect, but you're no push-over.

Anonymous said...

aunt muriel concurs

I think that you are right on with your thoughts concerning Mel Gibson. He is getting hacked to death in the media. The verse comes to mind "let he who is perfect cast the first stone". The man did ask for forgiveness. Obviously many do not have the grace to extend that forgiveness.