Monday, May 01, 2006

A Visit from Grammy and Good News

Last week Grammy came to visit for a few days. And then Grandpa came to pick her up and bring her home. I had fun with both of them and Mom says it was a huge break for her. Grammy likes to take care of me and sometimes she listens better than Mom. I tried to behave well, but I forgot and got very stubborn about going inside from playing. Grammy was shocked that I could be such a horrible little boy. (Not really.) I continue to face lots of punishment.

I went to see the doctor last week and apparently my treatments have been working. Mom and Dad were really excited. I am still allergic to milk, peanuts, and pollen, but it looks like my other allergies were cleared up by the treatments. Mom says we still need to patiently introduce foods slowly to make sure I am not having weak reactions. But I've really enjoyed eating popcorn and some of the things Mom and Dad enjoy. And it looks like my body will even handle being around cats!

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