My Valentine was in Oakland yesterday. His boss was worried he'd be in trouble with me for going but he confidently replied that as long as he was back the next day all would be well. I think we planned well. In future years we'll babysit for friends on the 14th and they can take ours on the 15th. (This year the friend watching ours does not yet have kids but we will be there for you K, when the day arrives!)
My morning three years ago started with coffee and a bagel in the basement of Noah's Bagels on NW 23rd St in Portland. It was there that I was presented with a wedding gift from my beloved: a Let's Go Rome. (Attn: Legal Pad: Please return that book!) It was then that I knew where we were going for our honeymoon.
The day included getting my makeup done at the Lancome counter at Nordstroms, having lunch with a good friend and a sugar massage at a spa downtown. I was completely relaxed after that but had oil in my hair that changed the plan for my wedding "do."
Then the wedding.... And it was very good. And the past three years. Very, very good.
All the best from J & me!
And my memories include a special manicure that Jenny treated us to that morning, too. It was a fun day with lots of good memories! God is good!
Happy Anniversary to two wonderful people. I am so glad you found each other. Gary and I send our love.
What a happy day! Can't believe it's been three years! See you SOON :)
What a great picture! Happy belated anniversary.
We were across the Bay from Mike. It's too bad we didn't realize it so we could get together!
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