Mom says I keep her very occupied. She said that after she found the cans of soup and popcorn in the kitchen trash. And again, after she discovered a lot of toys and kitchen magnets under the oven. And a lot of my toys in the fireplace. (I got in big trouble for that.)
Today, I started pouting without thinking where I was. Mom said if I stayed in the bathtub any longer I was going to shrivel like a prune (a what?) and that it was time to get out. I started to fuss like I do when I'm not getting my way and put my head down--right into the water. That was a scary moment.
As we say in our house, Ben, the Sympathy Meter is pretty low right now.
-- SJ
I'm just laughing about the whole sticking your face in the bath! I'm sure it was scary at the time, but dude, that's really funny.
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