Friday, November 11, 2005

Interview with Ben

Our readers appreciate your willingness to take time out for us despite not feeling so well.
I have 15 minutes before the CD is over and I'll have to change it and take a nap.

Right. Ben, you turned 22 months yesterday. Any thoughts?

I hope I will get a little more respect when I change the alarm. People assume because I am a baby that I shouldn't make decisions like when Dad should get up in the morning or what makes a good song.

You recently had some visitors. Did you enjoy that?

Leah and Rachel were a lot of fun. I always have to remember that there will be lots of pictures when girls are around and that can mean a lot of pressure. But these two were pretty great.

Any favorite things these days?

Baby Einstein DVDs are the best. I realize that many people wonder why Baby Einstein is such a draw for kids. It's the great puppets, the music, the bright colors, and the opportunity to learn. I also have a new pair of blue shoes that are very spiffy. I like to put my feet up on the stroller bar so I can admire them. And Mom realized that grey wool socks work better than slippers. I think they are more masculine.

What are you working on these days?

Growing. My pants slide off and that gets embarrassing. It is tough because Mom keeps giving me soup. I have frankly had enough soup to last a long time.

Christmas is coming. Any gift ideas?

I overheard a conversation (it is amazing the things people will say in front of me because they think I'm too young to understand) about a new drum set for Christmas. Pretty jazzed about that.

Your friend Addie is pretty sick.

The last couple of days when I have been feeling pretty bad, I have prayed for her even more. Mom says she is a lot sicker than me. I can't imagine.

We appreciate your time Ben. Enjoy your nap.

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