7:44 - I can hear Dad's shower shut off and I call out to him.
7:46 - Dad comes in and picks me up. He takes me into Mom. Sometimes we read a story and sometimes we just snuggle.
7:57 - Dad comes in and kisses Mom and me goodbye.
8:01 - I remind Mom about breakfast and crawl out of bed.
8:03 - Mom gets up and starts making me oatmeal.
8:06 - Mom puts me in my seat and we pray to Jesus (really fast.)
8:07 - I start eating my apple blackberry sauce.
8:13 - I test my oatmeal to be sure it isn't too hot and take a few bites.
8:14 - I tell Mom that juice would be nice. She gets me some.
8:28 - Mom says I am a slow eater. She points out that she has already emptied the dishwasher and made herself some tea. She is now checking her email.
8:37 - I get down. Mom changes me and puts on my clothes.
8:42 - I turn off the computer. Mom reminds me that I am not to touch it. Whatever.
8:43 - I start going through my kitchen cupboards. I find some good pots (for sound) and start practicing my drums. (I am going to play like my friend Jordan some day. I watch him very close in church, so I can learn how.)
9:11 - I discover the bathroom was left open and run into flush the toilet. Mom gives me a lecture on not flushing the toilet until I have learned to use it properly. I stare at her. She is a little strange sometimes.
9:18 - I make my way into Dad and Mom's room and start the process of resetting Dad's alarm. Sometimes I just change the alarm setting. (He prefers a music sound and I like the rooster crowing.) Sometimes I decide to change the time he gets up. Sometimes I just reset the time, so everyone is confused. Eventually Mom comes in and tells me she's heard it enough.
9:26 - I go back into the bathroom. And flush the toilet. Mom escorts me out and shuts the door TIGHT. Then we go into my room together and she changes my diaper AGAIN. (It is too embarrassing to give much detail here.)
9:31 - I find Mom's photo album and go through it. She joins me and I point out all the pictures of "Grandpa." She tries to point out other people I know. I really don't care.
9:50 - I dump all my legos out, and then my blocks. I play with them for a while. And then find my balls and throw them around.
10:14 - I pull all the books out of the bookshelf and read through them. I particularly enjoy the ones with pictures of babies.
10:59 - I get a little cranky. Mom suggests I am tired and need a little rest. I object but I get put in my bed anyway. I lay there for awhile until I am ready to "talk nicely."
11:30 - Mom gets me up and we go out to the mailbox. We put some things in and then Mom lets me splash in the rain pools for a little while. We come in and she takes off my wet shoes and socks and sometimes my pants.
11:48 - Mom puts on my Baby Da Vinci video and I cuddle up with my blanket and watch it. It won't be too long and Mom will make me lunch. But first she says she needs to sit down for a minute. She often tells me that I keep her very busy. I think it is good for her. She is predisposed to spend too much time reading and on the computer. With my help she is getting more exercise every day.
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