Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bye Bye Baby

I asked Mom for a little milk this morning and she replied that I wasn't Baby Ben anymore but Big Boy Ben. And apparently, Big Boys don't get milk from their mamas. I was a little bummed about it but I had to admit that I had completely forgotten to ask for milk in days and well, I am a pretty big boy. But, as I have explained to Mom, there is no need for me to give up my passy just yet. I am not THAT big of a boy.

Mom has been talking all week about going to see Grammy and Grandpa. Sometime she gets lazy and says something like "Ben, are you excited to go to Grammy's house?" And I have to remind her that it is Grandpa's house too. "Yes, Ben, you get to see Grandpa too." She finally figured out that I do talk about Grammy and I was glad for her. She's been catching on to new words every day. She now knows "Ben" (Be-be) and "banana" (banah), as well as "Grammy" (Mimi). But she continues to ignore me when I tell her I don't need her to hold my hand when we walk outside.

Mom says I have a new little family member named Dawson to meet. She says he is a real little baby (born 10/5/05) but that he will get big like me and he'll probably be able to teach me a lot about horses someday. At least if his Grandpa (my great Uncle Darold) has anything to do with it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that stage of not wanting to have their hands held is hard..I'm hoping Ben will forget that he's there when he comes sees us as I'm really looking forward to holding that little hand!

Ben's Grammy