Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Art of Communication

from Ben's mom

It is fun to watch the developing communication style and techniques of a toddler. Our favorite for awhile has been a special little sound, almost like "uh-huh" that Ben uses for "yes." "Ben, would you like a banana?" "Uh-huh." It is happy and lilting. He has yet to speak either "yes" or "no."

My new personal favorite is his whisper. Ben can make quite an entrance into the grocery store or elsewhere, talking at the top of his lungs. So I asked him one day in a whisper if he could talk quietly. Apparently he got the point, because he immediately began whispering. It works like a charm. As long as I am whispering, he whispers back. His favorite thing to whisper is: "Hi-i-i." He loves to draw it out as long as possible.

Ben's favorite form of communication is to shake his head "no" and scrunch his nose at the same time. He is a big fan of the side-to-side shake. He is emphatic about it but I have to admit, I prefer it to that obnoxious, defiant "no" you hear from a lot of toddlers. I would just like to avoid that altogether.

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