Thursday, September 29, 2005

Under the Weather

I've been pretty sick. And I am tired of the complaints. "Ben, I don't feel well either and I have a lot of work to do so I really need you to take a nap." "Ben, I know that your cough makes it hard to sleep but your parents need some sleep, so you need to try a little harder."

But for the most part my parents are pretty nice. I have needed a little more cuddle time with Mom and she and Dad have both read me a lot of books this week.

Mom says it is a shame we had to get sick when the weather was sunny and crisp and clear. It was a beautiful couple of weeks. Yesterday it started raining and Mom told me that the 10-day weather report indicated that it is here to stay. She told me to prepare myself for months and months of rain. I don't really mind it but it does make Mom a little grumpy at times and so I am getting ready for that.

1 comment:

the Joneses said...

I'm very sorry you're sick, Ben. We will pray for you tonight. We have the kids pray for a relative each night, and Friday is the night to pray for you, so that works out nicely :)


(who also gets grumpy during rainy weather)